先介绍个好玩的有意思的网站,http://animoto.com 其标题是 end of slideshows,在线提供带音乐多样化的slideshow全成服务。也就是用你上传或其它地方的图片加上精选的音乐和你添加的字幕智能(人工选取)合成非常炫丽,独一无二的像电子相册一样的视频片段。反正我在第一下被吸引了。立马试做了个30秒的短片,感觉很好。但是,后来才发现,要做长于30秒的无限制时间长度的slidshow,需要购买。我想这在国外,会有企业,工作室或个人购买这样的服务,但在国内,这几乎是不可能的,至少绝大多数个人是不会花这钱的。自己下个破解软件也能做电子相册MV,干嘛要花钱,而且还那么贵。鄙人的想法应该代表了多数国内网民的态度吧。但事实上,他们做出来的效果真的不错,而且全是基于web完成,非常赞。
背景音乐可以是自己上传的,也可以是从网站选出。我点了pop 40,试听了下,立马被吸引了。我很喜欢其中一首,也就是我这里要推荐的All Mine,来自Sarah VonderHaar的专辑Are You Listening Now 。我不认识她,想下载此歌也很难,只搜到她是America Next Top Model 第8季的参赛选手,应该是跟 张靓颖 类似的歌手。听她的歌可以到她的myspace去(打开第一感觉像QQ空间似的杂而花,不好意思)。她的歌在songtaste, last.fm上都还找不到,看来还未全世界的流行。虽然其Sing to me to Sleep 是人气上升也是最高的,但我还是觉得这首All Mine很不错,强烈推荐。
All Mine
Music and lyrics by: S. VonderHaar and L. Upshaw Copyright 2007
Do do do do
I see roses in the pavement
I see sunsets in the stoplights
I taste honey in the way you say my name
I see shooting stars on passing cars
Summer nights where you are
And everything will never be the same
Cause you’re
So sweet so fine
All mine all mine
Your kisses are so good sublime
And you are all mine
Do do do do do
I hear symphonies in cell phone rings
And angels in the way you sing
So softly as you whisper in my ear
I see butterflies in snow filled skies
The answers in your pale blue eyes
It’s perfect cause I know that you are here
Cause you’re
So sweet so fine
All mine all mine
Your kisses are so good sublime
You are all mine (all mine)
All the colors in the rain, wash away my fears
And now I’m standing out here in the moonlight
Every thing feels right, feels right when you are here
Come alive, come alive with me tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight
Cause you’re
So sweet so fine
All mine all mine
You’re kisses are so good sublime
And you are all mine
So sweet so fine
And you are all all mine
Your kisses are so good sublime
And you are all, all mine
Do Do Do Do Do